Imagine Lush: Simple, Practical Gardening Tips


Wax gourds, also known as winter melons or “Benincasa hispida,” are versatile and nutritious vegetables popular in many Asian dishes. While they typically grow outdoors, you can successfully cultivate them indoors with the right care and attention. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process to grow wax gourds in the comfort of your home, no matter the season!

Why Grow Wax Gourds Indoors?

Control the Growing Environment: Indoor gardening allows you to manage temperature, light, and humidity, creating the perfect conditions for your gourds.

Year-Round Harvest: Enjoy fresh wax gourds regardless of the weather outside.

Pest-Free Gardening: Indoor growing minimizes exposure to common pests and diseases.

What You’ll Need

Wax gourd seeds

Seed-starting trays or small pots

Potting soil (well-draining and rich in organic matter)

Large containers (at least 12-15 inches deep)

A grow light or a sunny spot

A trellis or stakes for support

Watering can or spray bottle

Fertilizer (balanced, all-purpose type)

Step 1: Starting the Seeds

1. Sow Seeds Indoors: Start by planting wax gourd seeds in seed trays or small pots about 1 inch deep. Make sure to use well-draining potting soil.

2. Provide Warmth: Place the trays in a warm spot, ideally around 75-85°F (24-29°C). Germination usually takes 7-14 days.

3. Keep the Soil Moist: Gently water the soil to keep it consistently moist but not waterlogged. You can cover the trays with plastic wrap to retain moisture.

Step 2: Transplanting Seedlings

1. Wait for the Right Size: Once the seedlings have developed 2-3 true leaves, they’re ready to be transplanted.

2. Choose a Large Container: Wax gourds need space to grow, so choose containers at least 12-15 inches deep with good drainage holes.

3. Plant Carefully: Gently transfer the seedlings into the container, ensuring not to damage the delicate roots.

Step 3: Providing Light and Support

1. Adequate Light: Wax gourds need plenty of light. Place them in a sunny window where they receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. If natural light is insufficient, use a grow light for about 12-14 hours daily.

2. Support the Vines: As wax gourds are climbing plants, provide a trellis or stakes for them to climb as they grow. This keeps the plant healthy and prevents overcrowding.

Step 4: Watering and Feeding

1. Water Regularly: Keep the soil consistently moist, but avoid overwatering. The top inch of soil should be slightly dry before watering again.

2. Fertilize: Apply a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer every 2-4 weeks during the growing season to ensure healthy growth.

Step 5: Pollination

Since you’re growing indoors, you may need to help with pollination. When the flowers bloom, use a small brush or cotton swab to transfer pollen from the male flowers to the female flowers.

Step 6: Harvesting Your Wax Gourds

1. Harvest Time: Wax gourds are ready to harvest when they reach a mature size, which usually takes about 80-100 days from planting.

2. Check the Color: The fruit should be a pale green with a waxy coating. Harvest it by cutting the stem with a sharp knife.

Tips for Success

Monitor Temperature: Maintain a temperature range of 70-85°F (21-29°C) for optimal growth.

Watch for Pests: Indoor plants can still attract pests. Regularly inspect the leaves and use organic pest control methods if necessary.

Prune Regularly: Trim any excess leaves or vines to encourage better air circulation and growth.


Growing wax gourds indoors is a rewarding and straightforward process. With the right conditions, you’ll have a fresh supply of these nutritious gourds year-round. Follow this guide, and you’ll be enjoying your homegrown wax gourds in soups, stews, and stir-fries before you know it!

Happy gardening!