Imagine Lush: Simple, Practical Gardening Tips

Here are 31 potato varieties you might consider planting this year, categorized by their type:

 Early Varieties

1. Red Norland • Red skin, white flesh, great for boiling and salads.

2. Yukon Gold • Yellow flesh, versatile, buttery flavor.

3. Adirondack Blue • Blue skin and flesh, high in antioxidants.

4. Irish Cobbler • White flesh, good for mashing and boiling.

5. Warba • Creamy texture, early maturing.

 Mid-Season Varieties

6. Kennebec • White flesh, good for frying and baking.

7. Purple Majesty • Purple skin and flesh, high in antioxidants.

8. Chieftain • Red skin, white flesh, great for salads.

9. Gold Rush • Russet variety, good for baking and frying.

10. Caribe • Purple skin, white flesh, excellent for mashing.

 Late Varieties

11. Russet Burbank • Classic russet, great for baking.

12. German Butterball • Yellow flesh, buttery flavor, versatile.

13. Red Pontiac • Red skin, white flesh, good for boiling and mashing.

14. All Blue • Blue skin and flesh, retains color when cooked.

15. Fingerling • Small, elongated, buttery flavor.

 Heirloom Varieties

16. La Ratte • French fingerling, nutty flavor.

17. Rose Finn Apple • Pink skin, yellow flesh, fingerling type.

18. King Edward • White flesh, good for roasting.

19. Ozette • Fingerling, nutty flavor, good for roasting.

20. French Fingerling • Red skin, yellow flesh with red streaks.

 Exotic and Specialty Varieties

21. Purple Viking • Purple skin, white flesh, good for mashing.

22. Huckleberry Gold • Purple skin, yellow flesh, good disease resistance.

23. Magic Molly • Deep purple flesh, high in antioxidants.

24. Red Thumb • Red skin and flesh, fingerling variety.

25. Swedish Peanut • Small, nutty flavor, good for roasting.

 High Yield and Disease-Resistant Varieties

26. Superior • White flesh, disease resistant, versatile.

27. Norkotah • Russet variety, good disease resistance, baking.

28. Elba • White flesh, highly resistant to blight.

29. Sangre • Red skin, white flesh, good disease resistance.

30. Nicola • Yellow flesh, low glycemic index, good for diabetics.

31. Maris Piper • White flesh, good for frying and roasting.

These varieties offer a range of flavors, textures, and culinary uses, as well as different levels of disease resistance and yield potential. Choose varieties based on your climate, soil conditions, and personal preferences.